Wear a mouthguard at play, to keep the injuries away! Wearing a custom-fitted mouthguard while participating in sports is vitally important to help prevent dental injuries. Sporting accidents are one of the most comm...
Bring the kids in for a visit during the next school holidays while the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) is still running. The CDBS aims to improve children’s dental health by providing the funds to cover essen...
If you are a student in need of a work experience placement, and think that you might be interested in dentistry, give us a call or come in to discuss what is involved. During work experience here you will learn f...
Financial support for dental services for children aged 2–17. Did you know that your child aged 2-17, may be entitled to $1000 in benefits under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule? The CDBS provides eligible childr...